Wednesday 21 October 2015

Muharram - a new start

Its been so long since I blogged anything in the seen. In the Unseen I have penned many a post and been thoroughly amused, even impressed, by my efforts! By the rules of the game that's not cricket;  but LIFE has been FULL ON. And since the idea of blogging has been a self-generated one,  merely for the purpose of self expression, no one was let down or disappointed, no contracts were broken…indeed, the world carried on turning much the same as it has for the past X billion years. I was not missed.

Blogging isn't/hasn’t been an intrinsic part of my life, though interior monologues quite naturally are.  In fact, my inner landscape (like yours) teams with them, dozens on multiple levels of inanity and insanity. If it weren’t for salat and meditation I would be a quivering pulsating mass of neurons firing manically. Wait! I’m that in any case! The off-button can be tricky to find.

Most of the time so much has been going on that I’ve been straining to listen to my inner voice – the deep one beneath the chatter, the neutral backdrop, the one that just hums a kind of  ‘Omm’  or ‘Huu’ without judgment, or points deducted for hesitation or digression.  The one that wordlessly intimates that cosmos underlies all the chaos. Its all I can do to just listen and hear and be, let alone wax lyrical about stuff or reduce it to a cyber-bite confections. Arguably it is for me alone to consume. We are each our own project.

And not all blogs need be a dip into an interior journey.  As many topics exist to blog about as stars twinkling in the milky way. For me, however, the impetus starts from inside. I have to feel moved. Everything is so connected: the sublime can bring me to the ridiculous and vice versa, the material connects to the spiritual and vice versa.  For me blogging is about stepping outside of time and sharing what comes.

Muharram brings with it a special quality of contemplative time. The first month of the Islamic New Year, given our history, is impossible to mark with the same kind of celebratory fervor the status quo culture accords its Anno Domini. It may be a ‘new’ year on the Muslim calendar, but it can’t and won’t ever be a time to pretend Karbala never happened.  When I come across the depths of fellow Muslims’ ignorance about this critical event in the history for Muslims I am often dumbfounded, and even more so by the creeping Hallmarkification of 'our new year'. (After all, Eid is like Christmas, right?)

As a fairly unacculturated follower of the school of Ahl ul-Bayt (Shia for short if you must, but these days I quite like the Sushi meme, as my family once had a cat by that name), I have never felt the compulsion to attend gatherings where the events of Karbala are recounted as if it were an act of faith. Here in these majalis the memory of Imam Husayn (a.s.) is invoked and even dramatized.  Over time this has become an increasingly ritualized and stylized act, particularly in the Indo-Pak subcontinent where I have been privileged to live for many years. Privately at home we might retell the story en famille, and be quieter than usual, spend time in dhikr, and consciously avoid the frivolous. Over the years of course I have attended several  majalis and lectures and have even given majlis talks myself, but always with apologies for not following the expected format, as I am not an orator and find myself unable to deploy the much favoured traditional story-telling techniques. It’s a certain flavour more easily grown up in than adopted.  But the majlis can be a most useful institution: for the love of Imam Husayn people halt their quotidian habits to gather and remind themselves of what he symbolizes, and what lessons can be relearnt from Karbala, which are eternal, universal and indefatigable.  

Rather like the punctuation of Ramadan – itself a comma if you will in the grammar of spiritual refreshment decreed for the Muslim -  this new start of the sentence after a full stop give us much to ponder. Man is ever treacherous, ambitious and greedy, especially when he forgets to whom he owes his life-blood; life is a precious bestowal of grace and must be respected;  and leadership is an even more onerous bestowal of guardianship, only dischargeable with true humility and adoration of the One in Whose hand all in encompassed. The battle of Karbala separates and singles out forever a model of selfless adherence to a higher plain of justice. Ultimately, worldly power is not the goal of existence but the test.

The seminal moment is of course on the 10th, the actual day when Imam Husayn and his family were finally vanquished at Karbala in a mercilessly bloody end that only spared the womenfolk so as to parade them humiliatingly all through Muslim lands to Najaf and Syria and back to Madina.  Imam Husayn’s sister Zainab (a.s.), who lost her two sons in the battle, was a prime preserver of the ongoing memory of what happened.  After all, it was her protection of Imam Huysan’s son, Imam Ali Zayn al-Abidin (a.s.) , too sick to lay down his life alongside his father, which spared him from an early death and preserved his line – using her own body to defy those who would have killed him. It is her brave words before Yazid’s governor in Kufa and Yazid himself in his own court that crystallizes the dense immorality of what had been perpetrated. After the battle of Karbala it falls to the women to bear the burden of grief and I can only marvel at their fortitude… Wa la ghalib illa’llah.

From whichever angle you approach Karbala, whatever you read, reflect and retrieve from it, it will lead you to an ocean of boundless if painstakingly preserved wisdom. Imam Husayn was truly in this world but not of it. For it was the Prophet himself  (S) who declared him and his brother Imam Hasan (a.s.) the leaders of the youth in Paradise. In a world where oppression is meted out in the name of rights, all across the Muslim world and beyond,  the sufferings of Imam Husyan and the Ahl ul-Bayt provide a unifying chord that resonates all around the world. Karbala universalizes the core message of Islam: you are not mere animal flesh and blood to rampage this earth and amass wealth and power at all costs; rather, you are embodied spirits passing through this brief interlude of existence so go with respect, care and dignity for one another, in remembrance of your Creator. I cannot speak of Paradise, but I know Imam Husayn's memory lives on in another world,  the world of collective memory, held in the hearts and minds of millions.

And always will.


  1. This was so beautifully written. I have been wondering what I should post on Houston Muslim Group on Facebook on the day of Ashura as to remind my Sunni brothers why they should not be celebrating a Jewish holiday on the day OUR OWN prophets grandson was killed, and you , madam, just provided me with the most beautiful article. God bless you and, please, continue blogging. You write beautifully and could make a big difference with your writing INA.

  2. Mashallah, Muna you write so beautifully (in general) and especially on this topic. I'm Sunni married to a Shi'i..our son is thus (I suppose) Sushi...and I wonder if I am not too, since these themes resonate very strongly. I still need to study Ashura better, and everything it signifies, but perhaps the recognition of how little I understand it is a start. May Allah gratn you increase...and more reasons to blog! Fi amanillah and Ashura tasliyat bad

    1. Thank you Cavemum for your kind words. I thank Allah that you resonated with this. A friend posted the following link which is really worth reading and sharing further Karbala belongs to us all, to humanity.
